How to save money with automatic savings apps

Bag your bucks!
Jun 22
 min read
Last updated:
Jul 7
A woman walking down a street smiling while reading off of her smartphone.
A woman walking down a street smiling while reading off of her smartphone.

The gist: By harnessing the power of automatic savings apps, comprehending your earning and spending patterns, and funneling your loose change into a saving whirlpool, you can be the financial maverick you've always wanted to be.

You don't have to know the difference between bonds and debentures or play the stock market like a fiddle to save some serious cash. Here's the kicker: you only need a smartphone, a few smart moves, and a pinch of determination to stuff your piggy bank till it's bursting at the seams. You're about to get financially wiser, one app at a time.

Automatic Savings Apps: Your Secret Superpower

Just think about it - an app that automatically sneaks away a few bucks from your daily spending, so slyly that you barely even notice. Sounds cool, huh? That's exactly what automatic savings apps are here for. They're like your own personal finance ninjas, darting around in the shadows, taking care of your savings without you breaking a sweat. These apps are powered by AI algorithms that analyze your spending habits, figure out when and where you can save a bit, and do the deed without you lifting a finger. It's like having a thrifty grandmother in your phone, minus the disapproving looks when you buy another pair of sneakers!

Tap into the Magic of Compound Interest

We've got another trick up our sleeve, and it's called compound interest. When you use automatic savings apps, your money isn't just sitting idle. It's working, it's hustling, it's growing. Much like how a plant grows from a seed with a bit of water and sunlight, your savings grow with compound interest. Compound interest is interest on your interest. You earn interest on the money you've saved, and then you earn more interest on that interest. And then on that interest. And so on. Before you know it, you're not just saving; you're earning money while you sleep. It's like turning your savings account into a mini money-making machine. And the best part? It all happens automatically.

Savings Tips

1. Embrace round-up features: Many automatic savings apps have a cheeky feature called 'round-ups'. Every time you make a purchase, the app rounds up the amount to the nearest dollar (or whatever your currency is) and stashes the change. Buy a coffee for $4.75? Boom, you just saved 25 cents. Do this daily, and you're looking at saving up to 100% of your loose change!

2. Set up automated weekly savings: Instead of manually transferring money to your savings account (which let's be honest, can be a drag), set up an automatic weekly transfer. Start small, with say 5% of your weekly income, and gradually scale it up. With a regular and disciplined approach, you could save up to 20% of your income without even missing it.

3. Activate cash-back options: Who doesn't love a good cash-back deal? Many automatic savings apps partner with retailers to offer cash-back rewards. Activate these options and shop as you usually would. The best part? You could save up to 5% on your shopping bills. It's like getting paid to shop!

You're all set to conquer the world of finance with your new automatic savings app sidekicks. Remember, every penny counts when it comes to savings. So, embrace the round-ups, automate your savings, cash in on the cash-backs, and before you know it, you'll be laughing your way to the bank!

Get to Know the Real Chi-town

Disclaimer: Super created this blog for general informational purposes only. The contents of this blog do not constitute professional financial advice. We strive to keep this information accurate and up to date to the best of our knowledge; however, we cannot guarantee continuous accuracy. Contents of the blog are subject to change without notice.

How to save money with automatic savings apps

Bag your bucks!
Last update: 
Jun 22, 2023
 minutes to read

In this article:

The gist: By harnessing the power of automatic savings apps, comprehending your earning and spending patterns, and funneling your loose change into a saving whirlpool, you can be the financial maverick you've always wanted to be.

You don't have to know the difference between bonds and debentures or play the stock market like a fiddle to save some serious cash. Here's the kicker: you only need a smartphone, a few smart moves, and a pinch of determination to stuff your piggy bank till it's bursting at the seams. You're about to get financially wiser, one app at a time.

Automatic Savings Apps: Your Secret Superpower

Just think about it - an app that automatically sneaks away a few bucks from your daily spending, so slyly that you barely even notice. Sounds cool, huh? That's exactly what automatic savings apps are here for. They're like your own personal finance ninjas, darting around in the shadows, taking care of your savings without you breaking a sweat. These apps are powered by AI algorithms that analyze your spending habits, figure out when and where you can save a bit, and do the deed without you lifting a finger. It's like having a thrifty grandmother in your phone, minus the disapproving looks when you buy another pair of sneakers!

Tap into the Magic of Compound Interest

We've got another trick up our sleeve, and it's called compound interest. When you use automatic savings apps, your money isn't just sitting idle. It's working, it's hustling, it's growing. Much like how a plant grows from a seed with a bit of water and sunlight, your savings grow with compound interest. Compound interest is interest on your interest. You earn interest on the money you've saved, and then you earn more interest on that interest. And then on that interest. And so on. Before you know it, you're not just saving; you're earning money while you sleep. It's like turning your savings account into a mini money-making machine. And the best part? It all happens automatically.

Savings Tips

1. Embrace round-up features: Many automatic savings apps have a cheeky feature called 'round-ups'. Every time you make a purchase, the app rounds up the amount to the nearest dollar (or whatever your currency is) and stashes the change. Buy a coffee for $4.75? Boom, you just saved 25 cents. Do this daily, and you're looking at saving up to 100% of your loose change!

2. Set up automated weekly savings: Instead of manually transferring money to your savings account (which let's be honest, can be a drag), set up an automatic weekly transfer. Start small, with say 5% of your weekly income, and gradually scale it up. With a regular and disciplined approach, you could save up to 20% of your income without even missing it.

3. Activate cash-back options: Who doesn't love a good cash-back deal? Many automatic savings apps partner with retailers to offer cash-back rewards. Activate these options and shop as you usually would. The best part? You could save up to 5% on your shopping bills. It's like getting paid to shop!

You're all set to conquer the world of finance with your new automatic savings app sidekicks. Remember, every penny counts when it comes to savings. So, embrace the round-ups, automate your savings, cash in on the cash-backs, and before you know it, you'll be laughing your way to the bank!

Disclaimer: Super created this blog for general informational purposes only. The contents of this blog do not constitute professional financial advice. We strive to keep this information accurate and up to date to the best of our knowledge; however, we cannot guarantee continuous accuracy. Contents of the blog are subject to change without notice.

Last update: 
Jun 22, 2023
 minutes to read
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Super is dedicated to helping people get more out of life by providing them with ways to build credit, save money, travel more, and earn cashback rewards.

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