How to create a family budget

Sculpt your perfect family budget!
Jun 2
 min read
Last updated:
Jun 22
A man and a woman holding a baby reading a piece of paper on the table in front of them.
A man and a woman holding a baby reading a piece of paper on the table in front of them.

The gist: Crafting an ace family budget is all about chalking out your financial goals, breaking down your income and expenses, squirreling away for savings, keeping a sharp eye on debt, and yes, leaving a bit of room for the fun stuff!

Alright, let's have a real chat about a topic that tends to make some people quake in their boots: budgets. But hey, we're not about the fear factor here. We're here to make budgeting less of a scary monster lurking under your bed and more of a friendly fairy godmother, ready to wave her wand and transform your financial woes into a happily ever after. Sounds good, right? You bet it does! Now, let's strap in and get ready for a family budget journey like no other.

Establish Your Goals

What's that? Goals, you say? Absolutely! Your family budget should be centered around the things you truly care about, not just about tracking every penny that passes through your hands. It's about getting that house you've been dreaming about, planning that epic trip to Disneyland, or ensuring a secure future for your little ones. So, sit down as a family and discuss what you want your money to do for you. 

Know Thy Income and Expenses (The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly)

You've got the cash coming in, and the bills going out. But do you really know where it's all going? Now's the time to pull out those bank statements, credit card bills, and any other financial documents. Divide your expenses into fixed (the unchangeables, like rent and insurance) and variable (those sneaky ones that tend to fluctuate, like groceries and entertainment). Oh, and remember to count that glorious paycheck (or paychecks) as well. The aim is to paint a clear picture of your financial landscape. Not always pretty, but always helpful.

Embrace the Squirrel Lifestyle

There's nothing quite like the feeling of having a cushion of cash, ready to save the day in an emergency, or fund that dream holiday. As part of your budget, decide on a percentage of your income that you want to save every month. Even if it's just a small amount at first, it's still a step in the right direction.

Taming the Debt Beast

Now let's face it, debt is like that uninvited guest at the party. It's pesky, it's persistent, and it tends to overstay its welcome. But you're not powerless against it. Include debt repayments in your budget and stay committed to reducing it bit by bit. It might seem like a long haul, but remember, every journey begins with a single step.

Fun Money (Because You Deserve It)

Last, but definitely not least, don't forget to include some fun money in your budget. Yes, you heard right! It's essential to keep a small slice of your budget for the things you enjoy. Whether it's a family movie night, a fancy meal out, or a mini shopping spree, these treats can make budgeting feel less restrictive and more rewarding.

There you have it – your guide to sculpting the perfect family budget. Remember, this isn't about depriving yourself, but empowering yourself. And with this toolkit in hand, you're well on your way to becoming a financial mastermind. So go forth, budget confidently, and most importantly, enjoy the journey!

Get to Know the Real Chi-town

Disclaimer: Super created this blog for general informational purposes only. The contents of this blog do not constitute professional financial advice. We strive to keep this information accurate and up to date to the best of our knowledge; however, we cannot guarantee continuous accuracy. Contents of the blog are subject to change without notice.

How to create a family budget

Sculpt your perfect family budget!
Last update: 
Jun 2, 2023
 minutes to read

In this article:

The gist: Crafting an ace family budget is all about chalking out your financial goals, breaking down your income and expenses, squirreling away for savings, keeping a sharp eye on debt, and yes, leaving a bit of room for the fun stuff!

Alright, let's have a real chat about a topic that tends to make some people quake in their boots: budgets. But hey, we're not about the fear factor here. We're here to make budgeting less of a scary monster lurking under your bed and more of a friendly fairy godmother, ready to wave her wand and transform your financial woes into a happily ever after. Sounds good, right? You bet it does! Now, let's strap in and get ready for a family budget journey like no other.

Establish Your Goals

What's that? Goals, you say? Absolutely! Your family budget should be centered around the things you truly care about, not just about tracking every penny that passes through your hands. It's about getting that house you've been dreaming about, planning that epic trip to Disneyland, or ensuring a secure future for your little ones. So, sit down as a family and discuss what you want your money to do for you. 

Know Thy Income and Expenses (The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly)

You've got the cash coming in, and the bills going out. But do you really know where it's all going? Now's the time to pull out those bank statements, credit card bills, and any other financial documents. Divide your expenses into fixed (the unchangeables, like rent and insurance) and variable (those sneaky ones that tend to fluctuate, like groceries and entertainment). Oh, and remember to count that glorious paycheck (or paychecks) as well. The aim is to paint a clear picture of your financial landscape. Not always pretty, but always helpful.

Embrace the Squirrel Lifestyle

There's nothing quite like the feeling of having a cushion of cash, ready to save the day in an emergency, or fund that dream holiday. As part of your budget, decide on a percentage of your income that you want to save every month. Even if it's just a small amount at first, it's still a step in the right direction.

Taming the Debt Beast

Now let's face it, debt is like that uninvited guest at the party. It's pesky, it's persistent, and it tends to overstay its welcome. But you're not powerless against it. Include debt repayments in your budget and stay committed to reducing it bit by bit. It might seem like a long haul, but remember, every journey begins with a single step.

Fun Money (Because You Deserve It)

Last, but definitely not least, don't forget to include some fun money in your budget. Yes, you heard right! It's essential to keep a small slice of your budget for the things you enjoy. Whether it's a family movie night, a fancy meal out, or a mini shopping spree, these treats can make budgeting feel less restrictive and more rewarding.

There you have it – your guide to sculpting the perfect family budget. Remember, this isn't about depriving yourself, but empowering yourself. And with this toolkit in hand, you're well on your way to becoming a financial mastermind. So go forth, budget confidently, and most importantly, enjoy the journey!

Disclaimer: Super created this blog for general informational purposes only. The contents of this blog do not constitute professional financial advice. We strive to keep this information accurate and up to date to the best of our knowledge; however, we cannot guarantee continuous accuracy. Contents of the blog are subject to change without notice.

Money Basics
Last update: 
Jun 2, 2023
 minutes to read
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Super is dedicated to helping people get more out of life by providing them with ways to build credit, save money, travel more, and earn cashback rewards.

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